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McGill SOA Annex

School: McGill University | School of Architecture

Class: ARCH 304 Design and Construction 2 | Design Studio

Instructor: Avi Friedman

Description: McGill Architecture & Engineering Annex Design Project

Location: McConnell Engineering Complex, McGill University, Montréal

Date: 2011/12 Winter Semester

The existing annex building is simply an extension of Macdonald Harrington Building, McGill School of Architecture. The entire building above ground is used as design studios for the architecture students, and the urderground floors are engineering labs that are connected to Madonald Engineering Building, located on the left side of the annex. Although all the adjacent buildings are connected, as one complex building, some connections between buildings are hardly accessible. The new proposed annex design provides passages between architecture and endineering departments, letting all the students, staffs, and professors physically and socially interact. 

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